This was the highlight of the Courtesy visit paid by the Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators to the Director – General, Nigerian Law school Prof. Isa Hayatu Chiroma, SAN on the 27th day of January 2022.
The President, Dr. Agada John Elachi, FICMC, FCIArb led a delegation to the office of Director – General of Nigerian Law School. Part of the delegation was the Registrar, Aisha Ado Abdullahi FICMC, the immediate past Registrar of the Institute, Amb. Segun Ogunyannwo FICMC, and Mercy Akpor MICMC.
During the courtesy visit, the President began by congratulating Prof. Isa Hayatu Chiroma, SAN on his reappointment, noting that his industry and innovative policies had earned him the reappointment as Director – General of the Nigerian Law School.
The President stated that when he took over the reins of leadership in December 2020, the major focus of the Executive Committee was to standardize the practice of mediation in Nigeria and Africa. To that end, the Executive committee came up with a Strategic Action Plan which would guide the affairs of the Institute for years to come. The President, Dr. Agada John Elachi presented copies of the Strategic Action Plan to the Director – General.
The President also noted that as part of the plans for 2022, the Executive Committee had decided to flag off the Moot Mediation Competition and hopes that the Nigerian Law School, with which the Institute has enjoyed a stable partnership over the years, will also be willing to partner with the Institute to bring this vision to fruition.
The President went further to mention other plans for the year; one of which is the Launch of the ICMC ODR Platform for E-Mediation and other related practices. He stated that with the Covid -19 pandemic and the way it revolutionized communication and learning, people all over the world had to adopt other effective means of communication, learning and resolving disputes. He mentioned that the launch has been slated for the 31st day of March 2022. The plan is to first train members of the Executive committee on Online Dispute Resolution skills and afterwards, offer the training to other organizations and individuals.
The Director- General, Prof. Isa Hayatu Chiroma, SAN in response expressed appreciation to the President and his team for the visit. He stated that the Moot Mediation Competition is a viable idea that is important for building healthier societies. He added that when students are exposed to other alternatives to resolving disputes, they are better equipped for practice after leaving the Law School.
On the launch of the ODR platform, he applauded the Institute for coming up with such an initiative and stated that digitalization and the several digital tools available has enhanced learning and has made service delivery more efficient. He added that the Online Dispute Resolution Training, will be beneficial to members of staff of the Nigerian Law School.
He finally thanked ICMC for the work it has done in the dispute resolution landscape and encouraged ICMC to continue to do more to spread publicity on the need to adopt other alternatives to resolving disputes.