Distinguished Mediators and Conciliators!
May I on behalf of the Governing council wish you a Prosperous New Year. We are thankful for the successes of the past year and it is our expectation that 2024 will bring notable achievements for our members in their personal and professional lives and remarkable achievements for our Institute as well.
The past administration made remarkable achievements despite the challenges of the harsh economic realities and heightened insecurity. It is our sincere belief that with your continuing support, we will surpass our expectations in 2024 as I take on the mantle of leadership.
As the new year unfolds, may I share some of the few objectives the Executive Committee under my leadership as ICMC president hope to accomplish :
* Strategic partnerships – We will forge strategic partnerships with leading Mediation and ADR organizations worldwide, facilitating knowledge exchange, best practice adoption, and global networking opportunities. This will offer our members the opportunities to expand their horizons and deepen their practice and expertise.
* Global Visibility – We will intensify efforts to ensure that the institute improves on its active participation in international mediation initiatives and peace-building efforts across Africa and beyond as this will enable the institute to showcase its expertise and make contributions to global peace. Also Under my leadership, we will prioritize technology and innovation and improve on the existing ICMC ODR platform in order to give the institute a more global reach, accessible to individuals and communities within Nigeria, Africa and beyond.
* ICMC Bill. We will double our efforts to ensure the ICMC Bill is passed. We believe the passage of the bill would be a catalyst for the transformation of the entire mediation landscape in Nigeria.
* Finally we hope to revamp the secretariat by fostering a culture of excellence and cultivating a work environment that nurtures innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to efficiency, thus empowering ICMC staff to deliver exceptional services to our members and members of the public.
At this juncture, may I update members of our dear institute on certain vital information;
- Update on the ICMC House Project
The ICMC Mediation House is currently at an advanced stage, thanks to the past two regimes.
It is our projection to have it completed and launched before the end of the first quarter of 2024. May I use this opportunity to express my gratitude to members of the Institute who made donations towards the completion of the building project.
- Branch Membership
May I encourage all members, especially newly inducted members of the Institute to register with ICMC branches spread across the country. We have branches in the following locations; Abuja, Lagos, Asaba, Port Harcourt, Jos, Minna, Akure, Benin, Ibadan, Minna, Uyo, Kano, Kaduna, Enugu, Abakaliki, Calabar, Awka and Ado Ekiti.
Members domiciled in these locations are encouraged to register with the branches, attend branch meetings and participate actively in the branch activities. By attending branch meetings, members are afforded the opportunity to network, learn new trends in the practice of mediation, and take advantage of opportunities to interact with various dispute resolution practitioners from various fields of discipline, which can benefit members in their practice of Mediation and Conciliation.
The Branches are headed by Chairpersons, who coordinate the affairs of the members within the Branch, and work to encourage a fraternal relationship among the members of the Branch.
You are all encouraged to join a branch closest to you. To join any of the branches listed above, please click the link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdjM0EVqtQk9ufvwW71JCEt3RVCxCigDM0RfoJIftjAhG8dlA/viewform?usp=pp_url to fill your details:
Location(branch of interest)
phone number
Upon receipt, we will connect you with your desired branch. Kindly note that the Governing Council may approve the establishment of a branch in an area not listed above, which has at least twenty (20) financially up-to-date members.
- ICMC Community
This is the Institute’s Membership Portal, where all inducted members of the Institute can have their Mediation Profiles listed. Registration on the platform will afford members of the public the opportunity to peruse the list of certified Mediators in Nigeria and select individuals to facilitate the resolution of their disputes. Younger Mediators with little or no experience will also have the opportunity of viewing the profiles of more seasoned and experienced Mediators and may approach them for Mentorship purposes.
To register on the ICMC Community kindly click on the link below and follow the following steps: https://icmccommunity.com/register
- Click on “Register” at the top right-hand corner of the screen
- You will be required to fill in your name, membership ID, email address and password. Please, your membership number is to be used as your membership ID. Kindly create your own password and confirm the same.
- Once you have filled in all the fields, kindly click on “Register”
- You will be required to verify your email address. Kindly open the inbox of the email address you registered with, and click on the button that says “Verify email address”
- Upon verification, you will be successfully registered on the ICMC Community. You are encouraged to read the Terms of Use and update your profile honestly.
If you require confirmation of your membership number, have any questions, or experience any difficulties, you may kindly send an email to memberservices@icmcng.org, support@icmcng.org and we will assist you as best as we can.
- Designation
Upon induction into the Institute, members are now allowed to use the following designations –
Associate – AICMC (Associate Member, Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators)
Member – MICMC (Member, Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators)
Fellow – FICMC (Fellow, Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators).
You are encouraged to use your designations on your social media platforms, official correspondence, e-mail signatures, business cards, etc., to continually promote the Institute. ICMC is proud to associate with you!
- Payment Of Annual Subscription
Members are reminded to pay up their annual subscription as at when due. The Institute requires these payments for its day-to-day operations. The new annual dues payable by the cadre are stated below:
Associate – N20, 000 (Twenty Thousand Naira only)
Member – N30, 000 (thirty Thousand Naira only)
Fellow – N50, 000 (Fifty Thousand Naira only)
- The Secretariat
The ICMC Secretariat is always available to assist you with inquiries or concerns you may have in relation to the Institute, training and membership. We encourage you to contact the Secretariat with any suggestions, ideas for collaboration with the Institute. We also welcome feedback or constructive criticism.
The Secretariat is open from Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am and 5pm.
Below are the channels for contacting the Secretariat:
- General Concerns – info@icmcng.org
- Training – icmctrainings@gmail.com, icmccpd@gmail.com
- Membership-related enquiries – memberservices@icmcng.org, support@icmng.org
- Mediation Bulletin – mediationbulletin@gmail.com
- Dispute Resolution – info@icmcng.org
- ICMC Social Media Platforms
Members are encouraged to follow the Institute’s activities on the various social media platforms to keep abreast of the Institute’s activities, partnerships/collaborations, and programs.
You can follow the Institute on Instagram: @icmcng; X: @icmcng; Facebook: ICMC Nigeria and Linkedln: ICMC Nigeria.
May I use this opportunity to encourage members of our great Institute to continue to maintain high standards of professionalism and ethics in your practice in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution and charge you to be worthy ambassadors of the Institute in everything you do.
On behalf of the Governing Council and Executive Committee, I wish to restate our commitment to continue to work hard to grow the Institute and take it to even greater heights. We welcome your suggestions and ideas on areas that will improve the Institute.
Once again I wish you a prosperous new year. Please remain assured of my esteemed regards.
Godwin Omoaka, SAN, FICMC, FCIArb (UK)