Distinguished members, on behalf of the Executive committee, we thank you for Your devotion to the Institute.
As Your President, I am humbled by the dedication of many of Our members who pay their dues, attend branch meetings and other activities of the Institute, and remain committed to the practice of mediation.
One of the major visions of this Exco is to create opportunities and platforms for the professional practice of mediation and therefore have Our members enhance their economic well-being and improve their professional skills.
For months now, we have worked assiduously through the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) department of the Institute to design, create and establish by reach and dissemination the largest platform for the filing and resolution of disputes virtually.
It is with great pleasure that I am happy to announce the creation and take-off of the ICMC ONLINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION PLATFORM.
The ICMC ODR Platform is designed to process and attend to not less than thirty thousand (30,000) dispute filings within the first year alone.
The ICMC ODR Platform will ultimately have the biggest PANEL OF NEUTRALS Body in the history of Nigeria attending to and resolving more disputes annually than the combination of many dispute resolution centres put together.
The Institute will therefore be appointing eligible members into its ODR Center/Platform PANEL OF NEUTRALS. The advert for the appointments into the prestigious ICMC ODR Platform PANEL OF NEUTRALS will be out on or before 25TH MAY, 2022.
These appointments will be for the first set of 200 mediators.
Also, to be advertised is the position of the ADMINISTRATOR of the ICMC ODR Platform. The remuneration will be very attractive and commensurate to the role. The advert for this very important position of the ADMINISTRATOR will be out on the 26TH OF MAY, 2022.
Finally, the eligibility to apply for both the positions of PANEL OF NEUTRALS and the ADMINISTRATOR of the prestigious ICMC ODR Platform is as follows:
1. Must be a “Full Member” Status cadre.
2. Must be up to date with the annual dues inclusive of 2022.
3. Must have sat in and managed at least one mediation session in the past 2 years and show proof.
4. Must have attended an AGM within the past 3 years (virtual attendance will count).
On behalf of the Executive Committee, I restate our gratitude to You for Your prayers, support and devotion to the practice of mediation.
Please be assured of my highest regards,